Money Can't Buy Happiness, But Poverty Sure Ain't Going To Help Either.



  1. How Money works?
  2. How misusage of anything destroy us? 
  3. How porn is damaging our brain and body functioning?
  4. Money Concept.
  5. Introduction to 20-30-50 Rule of Money.
  6. What 20 part of the rule tells?
  7. What 30 part of the rule tells?
  8. What 50 part of the rule tells?
  9. What is Investing?
  10. How you can invest?

Money is so helpful and also dangerous at the same time, the only thing that matters is usage and it's proper handling then surely that thing (could be anything like money, internet etc.) can lead you at the highest possibility of that particular. As, Internet is so useful and also destroying at the same, depends upon how you are using and handling it, if you use properly then surely it will help you out in aspects of your work, if you misuse of it, then surely it's going to destroy your mental and physical health. According to a research, people having age between 14-25 are searching porn 28,258 per second and this number is increasing day by day and teenagers getting very huge & bad impact of it on their minds, body, social experience and many more aspects that they (users) are unware about. If talking about money on porn and misusage of internet then it's about $3075.8 every second misused on porn, and this sexual desire giving pleasure to them and mostly in pleasure human is stays unaware.

Talking about handling and usage of money, then we should keep in our minds that,

If You Run Behind Money, It Runs Fast.

In this expensive world everything getting expensive day by day but the only thing that doesn't is Passive ways of Earning, Investing, and other aspects that today's 15+ man/woman must know about. 

[ 20 - 30 - 50 ] Rule Of Money/Investing/Savings

This rule is as beneficial as ATP for body's energy, this rule tells you about how you can use money properly keeping expenses in mind, how you can save more money, how you can invest your money. 

Come to the Rule, suppose you are an employee in a particular company and your total monthly income is $20,000, this rule [20 - 30 - 50] will now tell you that how you can use this figure more efficiently to handle expenses & save more. 

20 - Part of Rule.

20 part of the rule tells us about our monthly luxurious expenses like, Clothes, Car expenses (if owns), makeup expenses, or any outgoing ones. Taking your monthly income if you earns $20,000/month, of that $20,000, 20% you can use on your luxurious life style that will be $4000 (20% of $20,000) of your income. Means, your monthly luxurious expenses stays locked and this rule will reminds you about that.

30 - Part of Rule.

30 part of the rule tells us about our expenses on our diet, food, gym, light bills, other bills, educational expenses and other purposes if happens. Taking your monthly income $20,000, 30% of it that will be $6000 you have to use on your above mentioned purposes in order to stay as fit at the level of body, mind & money and can bear above expenses easily. Mostly people don't focus properly on their health and fitness and their physical activity power stays much down and keep in mind that, " That money is nothing, if it doesn't make you fit and happy ".

50 - Part of Rule.

This is most important part of the rule that tells about Saving & Investing. Saving is nowadays so important and most the Investing of savings, of your income $20,000 you have to save 50% of it that will be $10,000 & you can either save these into your saving bank account or you can invest these by different ways like in Stocks, Cryptocurrency (many are available rights now like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and many more. Just imagine, those who invested few years back in Bitcoin, how much they would have today in their accounts! ), so the most important nowadays is how you invest your savings. Investing sometime falls and sometime their graphs crosses ups beyond imagination as Bitcoin did.

We hope that this rule add something new into your knowledge...