Social Media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn & many more connects us with the entire world just by sitting at our home, they connect us with our loved ones parents, friends & relatives in a very simple way and we get very close to them just by these social media websites. Social Media has brought a revolutionary vision in modern generation and give a lot of advantages to us by getting close to the world, studying at home, can get whatever they want by just searching on the media, can get a lot of information related to their carrier & future, can complete their school/college work & assignments and many more bundles of advantages has been brought by social media into our lives.

Like everything have disadvantages, social media have too! We know from our closed ones & doctors that "If we use anything in limit then it's useful for us, If we cross limits of using it starts to giving us it's limitless disadvantages". 

Using Social Media is been an addiction for most of users as they use it in a conservative figure approximately a teenager uses 4 to 5 hours a day. Looking at teenagers they use multiple social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. They compare themselves with people who have great looks, fan following & popularity on these sites, in the same manner they do so, why even they have not such looks. Today there are multiple sites where people get great looks & pictures that are actually doesn't exist except on those sites & in virtual world, when they start comparing with people having good looks than them, they face huge negative Physical, Psychological & Health impacts such as increased risk for anxiety, loneliness, depression, self-harm and even suicidal thoughts. Social media may promote negative experience such as stalking, identity theft, personal attacks & misuse of information. Most of the people first check their smart phone & notifications on sites when they wake up in the morning (showing how addiction is increasing) and their entire focus starts diverting from good towards bad.  

Negative Impacts Of Social Media:

01- Depression: 

Studies shows that people who increase their usage of social media are found to be significantly more likely to become victims of depression & anxiety. Clinical Disorder is a mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness & loss of internet in activities that an individual once enjoyed. Suppose that, you are using Facebook or Instagram and your friend liked your picture and your mood immediately turns into excited & very happy ( it happens because when somebody like/react to your picture your habitual mood forces your brain to release a hormone called Dopamine that makes your over excited on virtual things like somebody message you, like/react to your pictures, sends you friend request etc.). And if someone dislike/gives negative comment on your pictures you immediately get into sadness, aggression & anxiety ( it happens in the above same way but here your brain release a stress hormone called Cortisol, that makes you sad & get you into stressful condition.).  Like these there are other several abnormal happenings occurs at the level of body, brain & physic.

Using social media in moderation, taking virtual world as virtual, physical interaction than online are few of those practical solutions.

02- Suicidal Thoughts:

When we start using social media, in beginning it gives us some closeness & amazing feelings with your family & friends and we becomes able to communicate with them wherever we are in the world. With time when our friends figure increases with time we starts giving more time & focus on them behalf of social media, from that point it starts giving us it's negative impacts and when our any friend breakup with us we start giving even more time to social media by sticking to their profile & just looking at their pictures & messages, this leads us to feel like nobody is with us & we them becomes victims of loneliness & increased vision to suicidal thoughts. 60% of total suicides occurred in past were due to Loneliness that leads to these negatives & suicidal thoughts.

03- Comparison:

On social media we always show our best pictures, photos & videos in order to get more likes, positive comments, positive reviews that how good looking we are but in actual reality that's completely  different & we aren't like we show us on networking sites. These happens when we compare ourselves with people having good looks that us, apply movies roles in our practical life that are itself virtual we take them real.

04- Self Harm:

689 million people use Tiktok in 2021 by a recent research, Tiktok is a short video sharing site that has maximum video time of 15 seconds, We learn better when we watch videos average of 8 to 9 minutes which can be easily found on YouTube, but Tiktok reduce time span to a greater extent then our brain becomes addictive to short span things and our brain starts losing patience to understand things & reading a book then becomes a very difficult to do. Relating Self harm with these sites are common & we already have given ourselves much harm such as many people while making short videos on tiktok do a lot of dangerous things that very harmful to our body, but for gaining popularity people have gone to a greater range of doing this. Many people doing these activities have lost their lives, 41 deaths caused by tiktok till today and 09 of these were suicides due to depression, loneliness & suicidal thoughts.

Everything In Moderation Is Good.

Disclaimer: All of above is based on true & scientific research.